Coping Skills in Recovery

Coping Skills in Recovery

Recovery is a lifelong process, and there are going to be certain times in your life where it may seem harder to stick with your sobriety than it may seem at others. As time goes on you might want to adjust the coping mechanisms that work best for you in maintaining your sobriety, while others will always remain a part of your routine.

The following list provides a few options for coping mechanisms, some may be new, and some may be familiar to you.

Wait to Respond, Don’t Act Impulsively. It can be hard to separate yourself from the reactive mindset when something happens in your life to trigger your mind. If you are feeling reactionary, take a step back and consider one of your other coping mechanisms like calling a sober companion or going out for a walk. Remind yourself to learn from these situations and work on avoiding those triggers in the future.

Be Honest. Lying to yourself and others when you are struggling with your sobriety will always lead to negative consequences in your recovery. Frustration and temptation are normal, but you should remember and discuss why you are grateful for being in recovery through conversations with others, or through keeping a journal to express your thoughts.

Help Others. If you are feeling stable and secure in your sobriety, consider helping others who are starting out in their recovery journey. Seeing others make the decision to make a change in their life and reminding them why they made that decision can act as a reinforcer for yourself as well.

Consider Meditation. Staying relaxed is another key factor to maintaining sobriety, but relaxation can look different from person to person. Meditation is a very common form of mindful relaxation that can be done anywhere. There are many ways to practice depending on what works best for you.

Find New Hobbies or Activities. Finding something other than addiction to fill your time can seem like a daunting task, but there are so many activities to explore. Living an active and social lifestyle helps with your physical, mental, and emotional wellness. What new hobbies or activities can you join in on in your community?

Build a Recovery Community. Having a supportive network of people who are there to help in recovery is crucial to your success. For more tips on how to build your community and where to start, see our blog post here on community.

Remember that the steps you have taken through your recovery journey have given you the opportunity to change your life. While this can be extremely difficult, it is also a major accomplishment and a rewarding feeling to maintain your sobriety day after day.

If you feel like you are needing some extra help or support with recovering from your addiction, please reach out to us here at Olalla Recovery Centers. We are always here to help.

Get Help Now

Remember, Olalla Recovery Centers is here for your addiction recovery journey. If you or a loved one is ready to seek assistance for an addiction, the first step is to seek a professional who can help. Call or contact us anytime.

CALL ANYTIME: 1-800-882-6201 to talk to someone 24/7

FIND A MEETINGGo here to search for an AA meeting near you or a virtual meeting.

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Whether you are just starting your addiction recovery journey or have been sober for decades, we are here for you. Our mission at Olalla Recovery Centers is to change the lives of people affected by alcoholism and other addictions.

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