Find joy in life’s small moments

Find joy in life’s small moments

Finding pleasure in simple things

Joy in life doesn’t always come from big moments. The simplest things can bring the greatest pleasures.

Focusing on the big picture right now may feel daunting — savor the delights of the simple experiences instead.

Here’s some inspiration:

  • Express yourself creatively: Write a poem. Start a scrapbook. Learn to fold origami.
  • Grow something: Green thumbs are nurtured, not born. Small-container herbs. A beautiful orchid. An easy-care cactus. Care for a plant and watch it thrive.
  • Capture the moment: Document your memories of these historic times in a journal. Or simply catch a fleeting moment on your smartphone camera.
  • Upcycle: Turn a cardboard box into a basket or obsolete CDs into wall art. You’ll unleash your creativity and do something good for Mother Earth at the same time.

Even a good book, a fresh cup of tea savored in the morning, or a thank-you note can be uplifting. Just know where to look.


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