Focusing on the good in bad times

Focusing on the good in bad times

Set yourself up for a fresh start — and a happier, healthier 2021.

Did 2020 leave you unhinged or did you find renewed purpose? As this historic year moves into the rear-view mirror, are you setting yourself up for a fresh start?

It’s hard to focus on the good when you’re filled with anxiety and uncertainty. But even bad times can be a gift — it’s a matter of perspective.

Being forced out of your routines and having your life changed without your permission is a rare occurrence. Why not take the new view on life that this past year gave you, and make it work to your advantage?

This is an opportune moment to:

  • Reexamine your priorities and your goals.
  • Feel good about the resiliency you’ve built during an incredibly tough year.
  • Set yourself up for a happier, healthier, more productive 2021.

You don’t have any control over when the pandemic ends and normalcy returns. But you can choose how you reemerge — calm, strong and on track to achieve your recovery goals.